Experience & discover

Excursion ideas for all those who like to experience new things

Domodossola - Fancy some ‘Dolce Vita’?

Then off you go to Domodossola - with the ‘Domodossola Hit’ you are currently travelling at a bargain price! 
Look forward to an inexpensive trip to the south: from 21 October to 22 December, you can travel in comfort on the BLS RegioExpress from Bern, Thun or Spiez via the beautiful Lötschberg mountain route to Domodossola and back with the ‘Domodossola Hit’ from CHF 29.00.

Domodossola - Monte Calvario - Pilgerweg


from CHF 29.00
Monte Calvario Domodossola

Sacro Monte Calvario, holy mountain of Domodossola


6 cities where you can stroll wonderfully

Discover the small-town magic and experience history, culture and charm on a city tour. Be enchanted by picturesque alleys, historic squares and local secrets.

Solothurn by martin zenker @unsplash

Solothurn: Switzerland’s dazzling pearl of the baroque

Thun im Winter

Thun: Alpine town by the lake

Aussteigen in Neuenburg Cafe

Neuchâtel: Cultural & architectural highlights by the lake

Olten im Winter / Sandro Antoniett @unsplash

Olten: a charming little town in the heart of the Swiss Plateau

Heimatland Region Willisau Oberaaragau - Die weissen, verschneiten Dächer des Städchens Willisau.

Willisau: charming at any time of year


La Chaux-de-Fonds: Watches and Art Nouveau

Plan your next excursion with BLS

Looking for some more exciting leisure experiences? With BLS you can travel sustainably and comfortably to the most beautiful excursion destinations in the region. Let yourself be inspired now!

Kinder-Wanderweg Godi und Kari
Trip planner

Round trips by train

Climb aboard and the adventure through Switzerland's most beautiful landscapes begins. Magnificent views of mountains, lakes and towns await you.

Railway adventures
RegioExpress Loetschberger Kambly Zug
Kambly round trip

Your enjoyable day trip: Bern–Kambly Experience Trubschachen–Lucerne–Interlaken–Bern

Railway adventures
MIKA unterwegs entlang der Lötschberger-Südrampe
Rail round trip Lötschberg

A special experience in both summer and winter


Museum tips for explorers

Large and grandiose, but also very small and charming. Each museum is its own treasure chest and offers its very own adventure. Would you like to broaden your horizons and discover something new? Then these museums will appeal to you.

Naturhistorisches Museum Neuchâtel - Exponat

Neuchâtel: Natural History Museum

Faszinierende Szenen im Panoramakino

Brig/Naters: World Nature Forum

Schloss Thun im Winter

Thun: Castle Museum

Kunstmuseum Bern

Bern: Museum of Fine Arts

Franz Gertsch: Porträt von Silvia

Burgdorf: Franz Gertsch Museum

CDF MH Atelier restaurantion

La Chaux-de-Fonds: International Watch Museum

Your ticket to time out

Day Pass for 2

from CH 78.00

Enjoy the autumn with a cosy day out on the train, bus or boat and benefit from our promotional campaign. With the Day Pass for 2, you and a companion can travel from 16 September to 28 October 24 for CHF 78 in 2nd class or CHF 128 in 1st class throughout the entire GA travelcard area.


Saver Day Pass

ab CHF 29.00
Book earlier, travel cheaper
Early birds are rewarded – those who book the earliest pay the least. Travel around Switzerland all day long on public transport – by train, bus or boat.

Fancy some more?

Would you like to discover more great excursions? Whether you like to be active or take it easy - here you will find even more excursion ideas.

Picknick im Herbst


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