Hiking & nature

A family hike with a delicious ending

Hike from Eggiwil, via Hintereggli, Blapbach, Chrümpelgrabe to Trubschachen

Enjoy a varied hike along water, meadows and forests. The distance and difficulty of the route make it ideal for families. Round off the day's hiking with a delicious meal at the Kambly Experience in Trubschachen.

Travel in comfort with the BLS to "Signau" and continue by bus to "Eggiwil, Dorf".

Route description

The hike starts in Eggiwil. The trail crosses the Emme and then climbs slightly. The trail ascends along water, forest and meadows. At Hindere Girsgrat, the hiking trail continues along the road to Blapbach. From here you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view. The trail continues downhill via Längegg to Chrümpelgrabe, which takes you to Trubschachen. At the Kambly Experience in Trubschachen, you can round off your day of hiking in style and sample over 100 varieties of biscuits to your heart's content.

Key data

Walking route Eggiwil–Hintereggli–Blapbach–Chrümpelgrabe–Trubschachen
Distance 8,8 km
Walking times 2 hours 45 mins
Level of difficulty easy

Availability Today (Saturday) open

The trail is accessible from 1 April to 31 October

BLS suggestion

How to get there

Take the train to Signau, and from there take bus no. 271 to the "Eggiwil, Dorf" stop.

Return journey: Take the train or bus no. 284 from "Trubschachen, Bahnhof".

Food & drink

For a well-earned snack or thirst quencher, the following restaurants can be found on the route between Eggiwil and Trubschachen:

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Tickets & Timetable
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