Attractive discounts are available up to your 25th birthday
Depending on your age and how often and when you travel by public transport, you can enjoy great savings
Particularly if you travel to work or school by public transport every day, you can take advantage of attractive reductions with a regional travelcard. There are also special offers available for travel after 7.00 p.m. or for excursions with your friends. You can buy all these offers easily and directly in the BLS app.

GA Night: the travelcard for night owls
Do you often travel after 7.00 p.m.? If so, the GA Night is just right for you. With the GA Night, you enjoy free travel in the GA area of validity each day from 7.00 p.m. until 5.00 a.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays until 7.00 a.m. – for just 99 Swiss francs per year.

Tandem Day Pass for GA Travelcard Youth: for a spontaneous trip through Switzerland
Do you have a friend with a GA Travelcard for Youth and do you want to travel through Switzerland for a day with him or her? If so, get a Tandem Day Travelcard for just 20 Swiss francs. It means you can enjoy a day of ultimate freedom on Swiss public transport with your friend.

GA travelcards: for ultimate public transport freedom
Do you never again want to have to worry about the right ticket and do you simply want to climb aboard the train and discover Switzerland without any cares? If so, a GA Travelcard for Youth is your perfect companion. You can enjoy free trips throughout the GA area of validity – which means on almost all trains, buses, trams, boats, etc. throughout Switzerland.

Friends Day Pass for Youth: for travel with friends
Are you planning a trip with friends? If so, the Friends Day Pass for Youth is a good choice. It allows two, three or four people to travel through Switzerland for a day – for just 80 Swiss francs in 2nd class or 120 Swiss francs in 1st class. The only condition: all travellers are under 25.

Regional travelcards: ideal for travel within a region
Do you commute regularly or do you travel a lot within a region for other purposes? If so, it pays to have a regional travelcard such as the Libero. Regional travelcards allow you to choose the zones in which you travel on a daily basis, granting you cheaper travel.
- - Libero travelcard (cantons of Berne and Solothurn)
- - Frimobil (canton Fribourg)
- - Onde Verte (canton Neuchâtel)
- - Passepartout (cantons of Lucerne, Obwalden and Nidwalden)

Half fare: ideal for occasional travel
Do you only travel by public transport every so often? If so, you should get the Half-Fare Travelcard Youth. It means you pay just half the fare for most trips by public transport in Switzerland. The Half-Fare Travelcard Youth costs 120 Swiss francs – if you continue to retain your travelcard, you even get a discount of 20 Swiss francs from the second year.