Charter trains

RABe 525 – low-floor regional train “NINA”

Modern travel comfort with a refreshing design

The NINA is an air-conditioned low-floor regional train that offers modern travel comfort with a refreshing design. The train is operated in both a three and four-section format. Low entryways and large platforms ensure freedom of movement, while a top speed of 140 km/h guarantees attractive travel times. With seating for either 148 or 191 passengers, the NINA is perfect for large groups. Up to four multiple unit trains can be linked to seat a maximum of 592 to 764 passengers.

  • 148 / 191 Number of seats Max. 4 multiple unit trains = 592 / 764 seats
  • suitable for serving refreshments Special catering train
  • 1.33 MB Technical drawings

Details on the 3-section rail vehicle Technical data, features, train names

General information Low-floor regional train RABe 525 (NINA)

  • 23 Quantity
  • 001–014, 028–030, 032–037 Numbers
  • 1998–2005 Put into service

Technical data

  • 47.7 m Length
  • 79 t Weight
  • 1,000 kW Power output
  • 140 km/h Maximum speed


  • 20 Seats (first class)
  • 114 Seats (second class)
  • Folding seats (second class)
  • 70 Standing room (second class) No circulation areas, 3 people per m2
  • No Wheelchair spaces (first class)
  • 1 Wheelchair spaces (second class)
  • 3 Bicycle spaces


  • Yes Low-floor entrance all entrances
  • Yes Entrance with sliding step 1 on each side of the train
  • Yes Air conditioning
  • Yes Heating
  • Yes Passenger information on the train visual
  • Yes Passenger information in the train visual and acoustic
  • 1 WC wheelchair-accessible
  • No Baby changing facilities in WC
  • Yes Video surveillance
  • Yes (only first class) Power sockets for electronic devices First and second class
  • Carpet Flooring (first class)
  • Rubber Flooring (second class)
  • Yes Rubbish bin at seats
  • Yes Newspaper collection box

Given names

  • No. 005 – “Menznau” Menznau Railway Station celebration, 15.12.2019
  • No. 006 – “Willisau” Willisau Railway Station, celebration of commencement of dividing operations for the RegioExpress and S7, 17/12/2016
  • No. 007 – “Huttwil” Opening of the new BLS Travel Centre in Huttwil, 3/12/2016
  • No. 010 – “LINA” Oberburg workshop, for Login (as a block train en route), 27.04.2021
  • No. 011 – “Müntschemier” Müntschemier Railway Station celebration, 11.11.2017
  • No. 012 – “Mühleberg” Rosshäusern station, opening of Rosshäusern tunnel, 25.08.2018
  • No. 013 – “Konolfingen” Konolfingen Railway Station celebration, 30/6/ 2014
  • No. 033 – «Wankdorf» Bern Wankdorf Railway Station, celebration at the station, 3.5.2005
  • Wrap advertising train No. 036 – “BZ Zug” Spiez workshop, signing of partnership agreement, 22/6/2011
  • Nr. 037 – «Junior Station Langnau» Langnau i.E. Railway Station, celebration at the station, 17.10.2009

Details on the 4-section rail vehicle Technical data, features, train names

General information Low-floor regional train RABe 525 (NINA)

  • 13 Quantity
  • 015–027 Numbers
  • 1998–2005 Put into service

Technical data

  • 61.9 m Length
  • 96 t Weight
  • 1,000 kW Power output
  • 140 km/h Maximum speed


  • 20 Seats (first class)
  • 159 Seats (second class)
  • Folding seats (second class)
  • 85 Standing room (second class) No circulation areas, 3 people per m2
  • No Wheelchair spaces (first class)
  • 1 Wheelchair spaces (second class)
  • 6 Bicycle spaces


  • Yes Low-floor entrance all entrances
  • Yes Entrance with sliding step 1 on each side of the train
  • Yes Air conditioning
  • Yes Heating
  • Yes Passenger information on the train visual
  • Yes Passenger information in the train visual and acoustic
  • 1 WC wheelchair-accessible
  • No Baby changing facilities in WC
  • Yes Video surveillance
  • Yes (in first class) Power sockets for electronic devices First and second class
  • Carpet Flooring (first class)
  • Rubber Flooring (second class)
  • Yes Rubbish bin at seats
  • Yes Newspaper collection box

Given names

  • Wrap advertising train No. 015 – “GurtenBahn” Aebimatt workshop, 9/4/2018

Current use daily on the following lines

The 36 NINA trains constitute the entire fleet on the BLS lines of Central Switzerland S-Bahn (S6, S7 and S77) and are also part of the Bern S-Bahn system. They have been operating daily for more than 15 years and are currently undergoing a refit programme.
  • S36 Lyss–Büren an der Aare
  • S42 Hasle-Rüegsau–Konolfingen–Thun
  • S43 Konolfingen–Thun
  • S44/S45 Thun–Belp–Bern–Burgdorf–Sumiswald-Grünen
  • S46 Solothurn–Burgdorf–Ostermundigen
  • S5 Bern–Kerzers–Neuchâtel + Murten/Morat–Payerne
  • S6/S7 Luzern–Wolhusen–Huttwil–Langenthal
  • S77 Luzern–Wolhusen–Willisau
  • RE2 Domodossola–Brig–Visp

Contact Advice and assistance

We organise and drive the train while you celebrate and have fun

Whether it’s for 20 or as many as 2,000 guests, we can offer you modern and nostalgic trains, or even just a single carriage.

We take care of the catering and ambience, arrange live music or magician performances and even organise a festive reception at the train station at your destination if you'd like.

Refit NINA
Refit for the “NINA” trains completed

Since mid-June 2015, the 23 three-unit and 13 four-unit “NINA” low-floor trains have been undergoing a comprehensive refit programme.

FIS Refit Infobildschirm 3
Modernisation of passenger information systems (PIS)
Medienmitteilung 29.08.2016
NINA-Flotte: EPFL entwickelt energieeffizientes und mobilfunkdurchlässiges Fensterglas für Züge

Forscher der ETH Lausanne haben ein Glas mit einer ausgezeichneten Energieeffizienz entwickelt, das für Mobilfunkwellen durchlässig ist. In Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern aus der Schweizer Industrie haben sie innovative Fensterscheiben hergestellt. Die Bahngesellschaft BLS rüstet einen Teil ihrer Züge damit aus, um die Energieeffizienz zu verbessern.

Medienmitteilung 29.06.2015
Modernisierungs-Programm: NINA-Züge werden aufgefrischt

Heute startet die BLS das Modernisierungs-Programm für ihre 36 Niederflurzüge des Typs NINA. Im Rahmen dieser Auffrischung verbessert die BLS den Kundenkomfort und rüstet die Züge technisch auf. Das rund 31 Millionen Franken teure Programm dauert insgesamt drei Jahre, Ende 2018 sollen alle NINA-Züge im neuen Kleid auf dem BLS-Streckennetz unterwegs sein.

Medienmitteilung 17.11.2015
S-Bahn-Flotte: Erste modernisierte NINA auf dem BLS-Netz unterwegs

Für rund CHF 31 Mio. modernisiert die BLS ihre 36 NINA-Züge. Das erste komplett erneuerte Fahrzeug geht jetzt in Betrieb. Die Fahrgäste reisen damit komfortabler und die Züge können rund 6 Jahre länger im Einsatz bleiben. Das Modernisierungsprogramm in der BLS-Werkstätte Bönigen dauert noch rund drei Jahre.

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